To take the first step

you don’t need to see the whole ladder

Martin Luther King

All over the world, from Beirut to Chile, from Rio de Janeiro to San Francisco, from Wuppertal in Germany to Batu Caves in Malaysia. In each place they have a different meaning, but basically inspired by the same imagery of principle: peace and coexistence with respect for all points of view, all lifestyles, freedom in general.

Thanks to the Alternativa Giovani association, the island of Lampedusa also had its own colourful staircase, between the centre of the island and its picturesque Porto Vecchio. A staircase that, since the beginning of the 20th century, connected the port with the area of the ‘sbarcatoio’ () with via Stazzone. It is believed to have been the only link between the commercial port and the town, a connection between the fish-processing premises and the houses of the people of Lampedusa. And there are still some old photos documenting how the women of Lampedusa used to go down and up these stairs with the tools of fish processing.
Today, the staircase has come back to life, restored and kept in order, while the rainbow colours that decorate its steps shine in the visitors’ photos.

The colours that have always told of peace. The one between people, beyond the colour of their skin, their faith, their ideas, their personal orientations. Those colours that remind people to be in balance with the world, with nature, with their fellow human beings and with those who bring the richness of diversity and complexity, from around the world to the island, from the island to the world, among the islanders themselves.

Lampedusa - scala colorata

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